Friday, May 28, 2010

Fact About Super Junior!!


1. saat trainee pernah ada sebuah acara kumpul2 antar orang tua suju dan member , lalu saat acara bubar papa donghae mendekati leeteuk dan menggenggam tgn leeteuk sambil ngmg "our little donghae, tolong di jaga karena ak gag bisa menjaganya lagi tolong berjanji jaga dia . dia anak yg baik dan kau adalah hyung yg baik untuk dia" tentu aja di sini gada donghae. ternyata tidak di sangka papa donghae akan meninggal. leeteuk menangis :((

2. donghae pernah abisin facial wash leeteuk yg harganya selangit. leeteuk menegur donghae tpi donghae malah nangis lalu donghae berjanji akan memberlikan yg baru tpi sampe skrg blm di beli2 wakakak

3. eunhyuk pernah berencana untuk mengoperasi gusinya tpi ga jadi karena ia merasa gusinya indah dan gag buruk hahahaha~~

4. heechul ingin mengoperasi kelopak matanya. wew? pada stuju heechul operasi ? NO! *jwb sndiri* :p

5. yesung (akhirnya yesung juga) paling suka koleksi kalung2 , gelang dan cincin dan tentu aja harganya setengahnya langit (setengah mahal) hoho~

6. ciuman pertama yesung saat SMA kelas 2 . siapa cwe bruntung itu ?? NGAKU LU !!!

7. saat ke supermarket tentu kita tau klo member suka pake topi dan kacamata tpi beda dgn yesung ==' yesung pasti mencatok ujung2 rambutnya baru dia pake topi dengan maksud supaya ia tetap handsome hahaha (di bocorin kangin)

8. di kamar yesung ada hair dryer, catokan dan bando pink garis2. tentu aja smua member gag perlu beli karena mereka bisa pinjem yesung. bando buat cuci muka hehe

9. donghae sekamar sama leeteuk di dorm

10. hangeng dan eunhyuk tidur sendiri

11. siwon dan kibum gag tinggal di dorm karena rumah siwon deket dengan dorm suju , klo kibum emang gag aktif jadi gag tinggal di situ

12. saat yesung SMA hobi dia nyanyi sampe2 dia rela di musim panas gag jajan es berbulan2 tpi ngumpulin uang buat beli radio (yesung dari keluarga yg amat sgt sederhana) setelah yesung dpt radio dia malah males blajar + nilainya turun akhirnya mama na yesung buang radio itu sampe yesung nangis2 + mau kabur dari rumah :(( tpi siapa sangka sekarang si yesung mau beli 3 truk radio juga bisa HAHAHA roda berputar begitu mantab !! :')

13. shindong tidur sekamar sama manager na

14. kata lee so man (widdih udh mulai ngeri nih) SUNGMIN YG PALING GANTENG DI SORRY2 .. *istri2 sungmin senyumnya mengembang* wakakak~

15. penghasilan terbesar di suju : heechil, leeteuk, shindong. bdw, yg dulu pernah di bahas tentang kekayaan (siwon, sungmin dan kyu), itu kekayaan ortunya bukan murni penghasilan , klo ini baru murni penghasilan mereka :)

16. pernah sekali yesung ngaku kagum sama Moon geun Young lalu mereka ber2 tampiln di acara show. para ELF sendiri memberikan dukungan pada yesung untuk mendekati moon. tapi di suatu acara, yesung yang akan menyapa Moon, kalah cepat dengan para ELF yang berteriak ke Moon, “Moon, ada Yesung di sini!” dan langsung membuat Yesung mundur dengan wajah memerah karena malu. huee apa2an ini ?? :'(( dan sebenarnya para elf stuju jika mereka PACARAN .

17. Siwon deket sama ibunya yang dnger" nih seorang diplomat.*wow*

18. Waktu SMA Siwon pernah nekat buat ngelamar kerja di pom bensin tapi karena ketauan appanya dia jdi berenti deh.*wuih salut deh ma wonnie*

19. Eun Hyuk pernah ngomong klo dia pengen banget ngenalin noona-nya ke Siwon coz mnurut dia Siwon so perfect.*Kenapa ga aku aja Hyuk?*

20. Leeteuk mengatakan bahwa member yang tidak pantas berada di SuJu adalah Siwon karena dia perfect banget.*Omo???*

21. Siwon mendapatkan tubuh indahnya itu selama 4 tahun dibantu dengan pelatih dari klub fitness kenalannya.*lama juga ya*

22. Yesung pernah bilang klo bibir yang paling seksi adalah kepunyaan Siwon.*hah???*

23. Donghae oppa suka banget klo dipanggil Prince.*hihihi.Dasar Prince Charming*

24. Donghae suka banget sama makanan laut alias seafood.*ayo istri"nya harus mulai belajar masak seafood nih*

25. Donghae gampang banget geli...*wah ati" oppa bntar lg aku datang gelitikin oppa.*

26. Donghae hobi nonton film barat dan niruin suara pemain filmnya.*kok ga nambah bagus inggrisnya oppa?**dgeplak ELF*

27. DongHae suka banget sama anak-anak dan anak anjing.

28. Leeteuk suka banget tidur sebelum manggung.

29. Heechul suka banget becermin klo blum manggung.*udah ganteng kok oppa*

30. Kangin suka banget ngegosip sebelum manggung.Secara dia kan biang gosipnya SuJu.

31. Eunhyuk ngefans berat sama tim sepak bola Manchester United.*sama donk*

32. Eunhyuk pernah ngaku dia baik *wih narsis* tapi dia bisa jadi ga baik klo ada yang ambil makanannya.*wuih sabar oppa mw gemukin bdan ya?*

33. Ryeowook pernah cerita klo Eunhyuk suka banget makan junk food.*wah ga baik tw oppa.harus diganti kbiasaannya.*

34. Yang pertama diliat Eunhyuk klo ada cwe adalah stylenya.*istri hyuk pasti cakep" n modis abis ne.hehehehe*

35. Warna favorit Eunhyuk adalah putih.biru,dan beige???

36. Tempat yang paling pengen dikunjungi Eunhyuk adalah Australia,Mesir,dan Jepang.

37. Makanan favorit Teuki adalah Ramen.

38. Sewaktu masih di training Teuki adalah orang yang selalu mengantarkan Donghae ke sekolah.*mau juga donk dianter ma Teuki ke skolah pasti smangat blajar d.*

39. Teuki kadang suka membangunkan teman"nya dengan cara yang sadis seperti menyemburkan air.*wkwkwkw.parah.*

40. Kyuhyun pernah rekaman lagu gereja bareng kakak perempuannya.

41. Nickname yang paling Kyuhyun sukai adalah GameKyu

42. Kyuhyun pinter main ski karna itu dia suka salju.

43. Kyuhyun hanya bisa membuat masakan enak untuk dirinya sendiri.*ya ampun*

44. Kalung hp milik Kyuhyun adalah pemberian dari Yesung*aku juga mau*

45. Warna favorit Kyuhyun adalh biru,hitam,dan putih

46. Kyuhyun adalah orang yang susah banget buat nahan tawa...

47. Ryeowook ga pernah nyetrika jeans yang baru dia beli

48. Ryeowook punya tahi lalat di pipi kanannya.*kok aku ga tau ya?*

49. Ryeowook suka sama warna ungu sama kaya Shindong.*wew purple freakz...XD*

50. leeteuk tidak ingin tambah dewasa

51. heechul, donghae dan yunho DBSK membuat surat dan di taruh di time capsule dan akan di buka setelah 10 tahun kemudian

52. laptop eunhyuk banyak poto XxX !! *ngakak!!!*

53. ciuman pertama ryeowook saat ia berumur 7 tahun

54. ryeowook bisa tidur 18 jam sehari

55. yesung ingin pergi ke canada untuk honey moon

56. heechul selalu mengatakan kalau ia adalah istri HANGENG

57. sungmin terkaya ke 2 setelah SIWON $.$

58. kibum suka kucing, kelinci dan jeruk

59. hangeng selalu membawa kamus mandarin

60. saat heechul masih kecil, ia pernah ke wc perempuan karena ia di usir dari wc laki2 karena banyak yg mengira kalau ia adalah perempuan

61. kyuhyun paling jago makan dan sangat rakus

62. kyuhyun ngoroknya paling kenceng

63. saat kangin masih sekolah, ia memiliki pengalaman yang takkan terlupakan, saat ia duduk di depan kipas, ia ingin membuat suara "ARHH~" lalu tiba2 kipasnya terjatuh dan melukai lidahnya HAHAHA

64. sungmin sangat dekat dengan sunny SNSD, saking dekatnya sunny pernah di teror oleh ELF KOREA dan akhirnya sungmin angkat bicara dengan nada marah

65. heechul pernah mengatakan kalau ia dan jessica snsd adalah kembaran

66. leeteuk pernah memberikan 100 bunga mawar, 100 surat cinta dan 1 cincin emas untuk pacarnya saat ia masih SMA untuk memperingati 100 hari mereka berpacaran .. so sweet ~~

67. taeyeon favourite member di suju adalah kyuhyun

68. leeteuk tidak bisa hidup tanpa warna putih. ia selalu memastikan daleman yang ia pakai adalah putih =='

69. leeteuk ingin bertemu dengan hantu neneknya :((


1. When they're training,, their family and they gather.. After that,, Dong Hae's father came to Lee Teuk and grip his hands then say "Please take care of our little Dong Hae because I can't take care of him again,, so promise to me for it.. He is a good boy and you are the good hyung for him" *of course Dong Hae isn't in there*. Apparently,, there's unexpected thing happen.. Dong Hae's father passed away.. Lee Teuk crying.. :((

2. Dong Hae ever spend Lee Teuk's facial wash that really expensive.. Lee Teuk reprove Dong Hae but Dong Hae even crying then Dong Hae promise will buy the new one but until now he didn't do it.. wakakak..

3. Eun Hyuk ever planned to had gum plastic surgery but he didn't did it because he think his gum is beautiful and not bad.. hahahaha~~

4. Hee Chul want to had eyelid plastic surgery. Wew?? Are you agree if Hee Chul had that plastic surgery?? NO!! *answer alone* :p

5. Ye Sung (Finally Ye Sung) really like to collect necklaces,, bracelet and ring and of course the price not cheap.. hoho~

6. Ye Sung's first kiss was when he's in 2nd grade of high school.. Who is that lucky girl??

7. When they go to supermarket,, we know that all members always wear hat and glasses but it's different from Ye Sung.. ==' Ye Sung certainly form the ends of his hair then he wear hat so he always look handsome.. hahaha (Kang In tell it)

8. In Ye Sung's bedroom there are hair dryer,, ahir former *i don't think i mention it right* and pink ribbed headband.. Of course other member don't need to buy head band because they can borrow it form Ye Sung.. *the headband is to wash face*

9. Dong Hae and Lee Teuk is together in 1 bedroom in dorm

10. Han Geng and Eun Hyuk sleep alone

11. Si Won and Ki Bum don't live in dorm because Si Won's house is near to Super Junior's dorm,, if Ki Bum isn't active so he doesn't live in dorm

12. When Ye Sung was in high school,, his hobby is singing until he didn't buy ice in summer for a few months but save his money to bought a radio (Ye Sung is from really simple family).. After Ye Sung got the radio,, he even lazy to study and his value down.. Finally Ye Sung's mother discard the radio until Ye Sung cry a lot and want to leave his house.. :(( But who knows he can buy 3 trucks of radio now.. hahaha.. Wheel spin really steady!! :')

13. Shin Dong and Super Junior's manager live in the same room

14. Lee Soo Man said SUNGMIN WAS THE MOST HANDSOME IN SORRY SORRY.. *Sung Min's wifes smiled broadly* wakakak~

15. The biggest income in Super Junior : Hee Chul,, Lee Teuk,, Shin Dong.. By the way,, the wealth that we talk about *under this number* (Si Won,, Sung Min and Kyu Hyun),, that's their parent's wealth not their wealth,, if this is their wealth.. :)

16. Ye Sung ever said that he was amazed at Moon Geun Young once.. Then they appear in a show.. ELF give their support to Ye Sung for approach Moon Geun Young.. But in a show,, Ye Sung will greet Moon Geun Young,, but ELF said it first and shout to her “Moon Geun Young,, there's Ye Sung in here!!” and that makes Ye Sung retreat with his face turn red because shy.. Waht is this?? :'(( Actually ELF agree if they have a relationship..

17. Si Won close to her mother.. Her mother is a diplomat.. *wow*

18. When Si Won was in high school,, he ever reckless to applying for a job in gas station but because his father's know it,, he stop to work in ther.. *wuih salute with Wonnie*

19. Eun Hyuk ever said that he really want to introduce his noona to Si Won because he think Si Won's so perfect. *Why don't I,, Hyuk??*

20. Lee Teuk said that member who inappropriate in Super Junior is Si Won because he's too perfect.. *Omo??*

21. Si Won get his amazing body during 4 years helped by coach from fitness club that he knows.. *it's really long time*

22. Ye Sung ever said that the sexiest lips is Si Won's.. *hah??*

23. Dong Hae really like if he called as Prince.. *hihihi..*

24. Dong Hae really like seafood.. *Dong Hae's wifes must learn to cook seafood from now*

25. Dong Hae easily amused.. *Be careful oppa!! I'll come to tickle you in a minute*

26. Dong Hae realy like watch west film and copy the actor/actress's voice.. *why did you english not getting better??* *beaten by ELF*

27. Dong Hae really like child and puppy..

28. Lee Teuk really like sleeping before perform..

29. Hee Chul really like look at the mirror before perform.. *You already handsome oppa*

30. Kang In really like gossiping before perform. It's because he's the source of gossip in Super Junior..

31. Eun Hyuk is a big fans of soccer's team named Manchester United.. *same with me*

32. Eun Hyuk ever confess that he's kind but he can't be kind if there's someone take his food.. *wuih.. calm down oppa.. did you want to make your body fatter??*

33. Ryeo Wook ever tell that Eun Hyuk really like junk food.. *wah.. it's not good for you,, oppa.. you must change your habit..*

34. The first thing that Eun Hyuk see if there's a girl is her style.. *Eun Hyuk's wife must beautiful and stylist.. hehehehe*

35. Eun Hyuk's favourite colour are white,, blue and beige??

36. Place that Eun Hyuk really want to visit are Australia,, Mesir,, and Japan..

37. Lee Teuk's favourite food is Ramen..

38. When Lee Teuk is a trainer,, he always take Dong Hae to school.. *I want Lee Teuk oppa take me to school too.. I must be really dilligent..*

39. Lee Teuk sometimes wake up his friends roughly like eject water from his mouth.. *wkwkwkwk*

40. Kyu Hyun ever record church's song with his noona..

41. Nickname that Kyu Hyun really like is GameKyu..

42. Kyu Hyun can skying well so he like snow..

43. Kyu Hyun just can make a delicious food for himself..

44. Kyu Hyun's handphone necklace is from Ye Sung *I want one too*

45. Kyu Hyun's favourite colour are blue,, black and white..

46. Kyu Hyun is person who really hard to resist his laugh..

47. Ryeo Wook never ironing his new jeans pants..

48. Ryeo Wook have mole in his right cheek.. *why don't I know??*

49. Ryeo Wook like purple just like Shin Dong.. *wew purple freakz...XD*

50. Lee Teuk doesn't want to be more mature..

51. Hee Chul,, Dong Hae and Yun Ho DBSK make letters and they put that in time capsule and they'll open it 10 years later..

52. Eun Hyuk has a lot of XxX picture in his laptop.. *laughing!!*

53. Ryeo Wook's first kiss was when he is 7 years old..

54. Ryeo Wook can sleep 18 hours a day..

55. Ye Sung want to go to Canada for Honey Moon..

56. Hee Chul always said that he's Han Geng's wife..

57. Sung Min is the 2nd richest after SIWON $.$

58. Ki Bum like cat,, rabbit and orange..

59. Han Geng always bring Mandarin Dictionary..

60. When Hee Chul was little,, he ever go to women's restroom because he expelled from men's restroom because a lot of people thinks Hee Chul is a girl..

61. Kyu Hyun is the most good at eating and really greedy..

62. Kyu Hyun snoring really loud..

63. When Kang In was in school,, he had an unforgottable experience,, when he sit in front of fan,, he want to make "ARHH~" voice then the fan fall and hurt his tongue.. HAHAHA

64. Sung Min really close to Sunny SNSD,, because they're really close,, Sunny ever terrorized by Korean ELF and finally Sung Min speak up with angry voice..

65. Hee Chul ever said if he and Jessica SNSD is twin..

66. Lee Teuk ever gave 100 of rose,, 100 of letters,, and 1 gold ring for his girlfriend when he is in high school for commemorate the 100th day they're dating.. so sweet ~~

67. Tae Yeon's favourite member in Super Junior is Kyu Hyun..

68. Lee Teuk can't live without white colour.. He always ensure that he wear white underwear.. =='

69. Lee Teuk want to meet his grandmother's spirit.. :((

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